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What the Experts Have to Say About Microblading Pain
Women at any age want to look great, but the current rhythm of life does not allow you to devote much time to your beloved. This, first of all, concerns makeup. To correct, enhance their appearance, making it more expressive and brighter, women resort to the popular procedure of permanent makeup. Many ladies are wondering how painful it is to do permanent makeup? But during its implementation, only the top layer of the skin is affected, so injuries are minimized.
Every pain is experienced individually. Someone is able to endure the most severe pain for a long time, while for someone minor changes in the body bring fear and severe discomfort.
The pain of the procedure depends on several reasons. There is a psychological aspect. If the client trusts the specialist, it will be easier to relax and the procedure will be less painful. Unpleasant sensations can be associated with the use of improper equipment that is not intended for tattooing lips, eyelids, eyebrows, so it hurts to do it. The cause of increased soreness may be a low pain threshold of sensitivity in humans. Incorrectly selected or weak pain medication (numbing cream) is also a common cause of pain during the procedure.
Psychological aspect is one of the main causes of pain during tattooing. A strong fear of this procedure can not only bring discomfort, but also affect the quality of the work performed. For the master it is very important that the patient relaxes as much as possible. With tense muscles, the skin hardens, which prevents the free penetration of the needle. This greatly complicates the tattoo.
Quality of equipment and tools.
Professional artist will work with only high quality products. Single use sterile needles, advanced permanent makeup tattoo machines, best in the market pigments and aftercare products. All that will effect the tattoo procedure to be done with ease and comfort to the client.
Personal Pain Tolerance
if you trust the artist, it will be easier to relax and the procedure will be less painful;
- during menstruation, when pain intensifies, there will be a feeling of discomfort, but this will not affect the quality of the tattoo;
- a feeling of hunger - a well-rested and well-fed body will endure pain much easier;
- feeling of fear - increases pain. Do not be afraid, look at the work of the master, customer reviews and try to calm down.
Incorrectly Selected or Weak Anesthetic
Anesthesia is used to reduce the pain. There are different kinds of anesthetics: primary numbing cream(before the procedure, prenumbing) and secondary (during the procedure). Also, anesthesia can be injected and applied. But the last is only done by doctors or nurses.
With injection anesthesia, there are some pros and cons.
- fast effect (after 5-6 minutes);
- does not require secondary anesthesia.;
- it lasts for 1.5-2 hours.
- deforms facial muscles;
- can lead to tattoo asymmetry;
- Penetrates into the blood, which can cause allergies.
Application anesthesia is used for different types of tattooing. Vaseline-based cream or gel products are used.
- Penetrates into the skin, but not into the blood, so it rarely causes side effects;
- there is no muscle deformation;
- does not result in tattoo asymmetry.
- moderate effect (after 10-15 minutes);
- preservation of effect within 4 hours.
Anesthetics are selected taking into account your individual characteristics. And, if a client is allergic to curtain products, the salon can perform a patch test, an allergy test, which will determine the presence of an allergy. Therefore, before the procedure, be sure to go to the salon and do an allergy test to avoid unwanted consequences.
After the procedure, discomfort may be felt in the area of permanent makeup application. But if you follow all my recommendations for the care of eyebrows, lips and eyelids correctly, you can avoid unpleasant sensations.
The sensations of each person will be different, some clients will sleep peacefully during the procedure, while others may feel a slight tingling sensation.
Professionalism of the artist
There are many factors to determine professionalism of the artist.
Proper training and experience is perhaps the most important factor to consider when choosing a microblading artist. The training and apprenticeships a provider completed often speak to how well the artist has mastered the craft.
Experience is important especially in the arena of permanent makeup because skills get perfected over time with more exposure which comes with an abundant opportunity to portray it.
If you start looking for artists, most of them will carry a professional portfolio ready for you to see or photos of the healed work. Do not hesitate to ask them about their work, expertise, and any other specific skill you are looking for. A professional will be always ready to address a prospective client’s queries. Pay attention to consistent work in their photos. So all the above are skills, experience and art. But, the next thing is also vitally important when picking for the salon and artist.
Your face and health are at risk for infections and transmission of blood borne pathogens when undergoing any Permanent Cosmetics, Microblading, or Paramedical procedure. That’s why Permanent Cosmetic Professionals must follow the most stringent health and safety regulations. Make sure your Permanent Cosmetic Professional holds all of their mandatory certifications and licensure for health and safety standards required by the State and County.
Pre-Procedure/Primary Numbing Cream:
In order to completely relieve you from the pain during permanent makeup, we use only the best creamy anesthetics from the entire numbing creams range .
They are completely safe, do not penetrate into the blood, do not mix with coloring pigments and only have a beneficial effect on the result of the procedure.
Primary anesthesia is applied before the procedure on the tattoo area - eyelids, lips or eyebrows, over the sketch. Lidocaine and tetracaine, which are part of the product, anesthetize the area completely for 2-4 hours.
We use Zensa, it has Lidocaine of 5%, vitamin E for better healing.
First, Zensa cream is applied on the pre-drawn shape of the brows.
Secondly, we cover the brows with saran wrap for better absorbtion and leave for 20-25 minutes.
Third, we remove the numbing cream after 20- 25 minutes have passed.
During Procedure/Secondary Numbing Gels & Liquids:
Secondary anesthesia. Sustain Blue Gel (Sustain). Enhances and duplicates the effect of primary anesthesia. It is applied after the first pass, and before the end of the permanent make-up procedure. It has no effect on intact skin, it penetrates only through punctures. It contains adrenaline, which constricts blood vessels, prevents bleeding, reduces the risk of edema and bruising.
The high quality and effectiveness of the anesthesia chosen by our masters allows us to confidently state that permanent makeup of any area, even the clients with the lowest pain threshold, will be completely painless. This has been proven over the years of our experience by the fact that all clients have kept only the most pleasant memories of having permanent makeup of lips, eyes and eyebrows in our salon, are very pleased with the result, and constantly return to us.
Microblading procedure
The secret of the microblading technique is in a special tool that performs tattooing. Unlike a conventional tattoo machine, it does not vibrate at all, which allows the master to draw each hair as accurately as possible. Eyebrow microblading is done using a special “pen handle”, at the end of which is a very thin blade – its thickness is only 0.18 mm. Hence the name of the procedure: micro - small, blade - blade.
The master manually applies very thin lines cuts and fill them with pigment imitating hairs at different angles, as a result of which they look voluminous and realistic. Redness on the skin and possible swelling (it occurs only in 5% of clients) disappears within 2 hours after the microblading procedure.
Potential side effects and precautions
There are could be some potential side effects caused by microblading.
Infection. If artist uses dirty equipments, or expired inks. Since microblading breaks the skin, there is a serious risk for transmission of infectious diseases, including HIV and bacterial skin infections.
Allergic reaction to products used. If you re unsure you are allergic you can come to the salon for a patch test.
Keloid. If you have keloid you should not get microblading.
According to the SPCP, the possibility of problems with permanent makeup procedures is rare when all health standards are followed, especially in regards to the disinfection and sterilization of equipment.
Medical complications may also be related to aftercare, but these risks decrease when a client follows postrcare instructions properly.
See What Clients Are Saying!
What They Said:

I felt very comfortable and trusted the artist. Only the first pass was sensitive but after secondary anesthesia I did not feel any pain, my skin was completely numb. I am happy with the result and totally recommend!
Pain 1-10 Scale:
2 out of 10
What They Said:

The numbing cream definitely worked. Microblading typically hurts, but I was fine. The numbing gel penetrates the existing cuts and works even faster. I was surprised how these tiny cuts with microblading tool created natural looking eyebrows. I don not have to use brow pencil anymore.
Pain 1-10 Scale:
1 out of 10
What They Said:

I had thin eyebrows. I heard about semi permanent cosmetic tattoo, but I was scared looking like old traditional tattoos. Plus, I heard that microblading procedure and that microblading hurt, but wanted my eyebrows to look naturally fuller. So I went to First class cosmetic tattoo, my artist used numbing cream to reduce pain. I felt minor discomfort especially when I hear loud scratching. I was feeling minor pressure and loud scratching with manual tool. Topical numbing cream was not that strong, but after 1 start pass I felt much much less pain, almost 0. I have been told Microblading only cuts the skin on upper layers. Im glad I got microblading done, imitated hair strokes for natural brows. My brow game is stronger than ever before. Thank you again! Love Yerenise
Pain 1-10 Scale:
4 out of 10
Book Your NYC Microblading with Velvet Cosmetic Tattoos!